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Weather in March in Preturo

< March >
maximum temperature iconNormal Max/ High Temperature 1°C (33°F)
average temperature iconAverage Temperature -2°C (28°F)
minimum temperature iconMin/ Low Temperature -5°C (23°F)
rainfall iconNormal Precipitation 46mm (1.8in)
daylight iconAverage Daylight per day 11:52
sun altitude iconSun altitude at solar noon on the 21st day.
  • Overnight temperatures are generally slightly cold with an average low of -4.8 °C (23.4 °F).
  • Afternoons can be very cool with average high temperatures reaching 0.5 °C (32.9 °F).
  • The mean temperature in Preturo is slightly cold at -2.15 °C (28.13 °F).
  • The weather in March is a little parched. A mere 45.6mm (1.8in) of H2O precipitates .
  • The shortest day is 11:08 long and the longest day is 12:36 long with an average length of 11:52.
  • In March the variation/ range of daily mean temperatures is 5.3 °C (9.5 °F).

Weather Trend Graph for March in Preturo, Italy

Graph of weather in Preturo in March

Preturo Weather in March Discussion

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